When moving the mouse my display shifts to showing all open windows.
My hole screen moves with my mouse and is zoomed in to how do i fix it? View 2 Replies View Related Intel Mac :: Why Does Screen Show All Windows When Mouse Moves Jun 7, 2012 Unexpected character at line 1" View 7 Replies View Related OS X V10.4 :: Screen Moves With Mouse? Mar 27, 2012 In Macintosh HD/Users/oBookg4/Library/Preferences/, Disk Warrior detected that "the Property List data is damaged and cannot be repaired" "User differs on "Applications/ical.app/Contents/MacOS, should be 0, user is 502", and then several similar error messages regarding "Resources", always with "should be 0, user is 502" I have run Disk Warrior and got some errors: I have tried resetting all the settings - Power, Display, Appearance, etc. You can drag it to one side or the other, and still open and close applications, use them, use the web, send and received emails - everything, but the screen moves around with the mouse, and it is driving me crazy! It has been running like a charm, and suddenly, the screen image starts moveing with the mouse - the desktop, all open windows, websites, everything. I have a G4 iBook with a 1.07 MHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 60GB HD running Leopard OS X 5.2. PowerPC :: IBook Screen Moves With Mouse - OS 5.2? May 17, 2008 MacBook :: Cursor Moves Erratically And Screen Gets Bigger And Smaller Without Touching The Trackpad?.IMac :: Screen Moves To Left When Firefox Opened.OS X :: Floating Desktop - Entire Screen Moves With Cursor.

MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Frozen Apps / Mouse Moves.Intel Mac : My Mouse Moves But No Response From My Keyboard.OS X V10.7 Lion :: Computer Freezing Except Mouse Moves.OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mouse Randomly Moves Around And Clicks.Hardware :: Magic Mouse - Finger Moves?.MacBook Pro :: Scrolling Moves Display More Than Mouse?.MacBook Pro :: Mouse Moves Randomly By Itself?.OS X :: OS X Freezes The Mouse Still Moves?.IMac PPC :: Screen Not Displaying Correctly - It Keeps Moving As The Mouse Moves.MacBook Pro :: Mouse On Randomly Moves From Center Of Screen To Bottom?.