The other one was the puzzle with the weights and the scale, which drove me crazy for hours because I kept thinking you had to get the bell to light up before the eagle would, and eventually I gave up and looked up the solution and then I was even more frustrated because I’d spent how long on that puzzle and I still hadn’t accidentally managed to get the eagle lit up. Of the two puzzles I didn’t like, one was at the very end and involved Nancy dying every time she made a mistake (annoying, and finding the correct solution was time consuming, especially since you can apparently just guess and be fine, if you don’t care about using a zillion second chances). And the environments are detail-rich–maybe a little too detail rich, since I kept trying to click on things I wasn’t allowed to. I also think the Hardys look a little plastic, and so does Tino. when was this published? 2005? (Her Interactive’s website confirms 2005 as the release year.)Ĭharleena looks like someone forgot she was a grown woman and gave her doll arms. Other than that, the game flows logically, has a story that’s built around Nancy’s inclination to abandon all her suspects and just futz around solving decades old puzzles, and looks pretty darn good. I mean, honestly, the only complaints I have are about character animations, and a couple of the puzzles being snipe hunts. Which is either a testament to both of us having crushes on Frank (look, I’m sorry Ned, but what have you ever done to help solve a mystery? Where are you when a girl needs you? You aren’t even in my phone contacts! A girl’s got needs, mmkay? When you feel like being available for me, then we can talk, Ned.), or the game just being really good. Nancy and I both agree, the Hardy Boys are the best part about this game.